About Us

Influenz Digital
Influenz is influencer and digital marketing platform and agency, which helps clients make a presence online.
With a focus on mirco-influencer and content creation, we use our own database and platform to help clients manage their influencer marketing campaigns easily and build brand awareness in an effective manner and achieve favourable outcome.
We have been working with a number of SMEs in particular online shops, consumer brands and F&B in Hong Kong to market their brand and products.
Influenz 是一個網紅及數碼營銷平台和推廣顧問,幫助客戶在網絡上進行推廣 。 我們專注於微網紅和內容創作,運用獨家數據庫和平台,幫助客戶輕鬆管理網紅營銷活動,並以有效的方式建立品牌知名度和取得良好成果。
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